Clear Cache plugin for CakePHP

I have been responsible for updating a number of CakePHP applications lately, and needed to delete the cache files every time I did a 'git pull' on the server. I couldn't find any existing shell that takes care of a task like this, so decided to write one quickly.

What it does

At the moment, the plugin deletes each and every file in /app/tmp with a prefix 'cake_'.

How to use it?

You have to to use it from CakePHP console for now. If I have time later, may be I will make it a Croogo supported plugin so that cache files can be deleted from admin panel too.

$ ./cake clear_cache all


Get it from GitHub here:

Happy Caching!

Note: I just found out about another CakePHP plugin by Ceeram, and surprisingly it has the same name. I just wish I found it earlier: